本文將介紹青山個人推薦的幾個國際營養證照。 ■ 營養課程介紹Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification 第一個部份:精準營養教練系統(The Precision Nutrition approach) 共有五章,包含了 Precision Nutrition 的指導理念與營養觀點。 第二個部份:營養科學(The science of nutrition) 共有九章,包含身體組織、能量與代謝、六大營養素、壓力與回復等等。 第三個部份:營養教練實務(Working through the PN coaching process) 共有六章,包含教練實務、個案三階段、特殊情況、事業起步等等。 NASM Certified Nutrition Coach (NASM-CNC) 第一個部份:營養科學(Nutritional Science) 共有十三章,包含能量與代謝、六大營養素、增補劑等等。 第二個部份:行為改變策略(Behavior Change Strategies) 共有四章,包含了心理、指導與溝通、動機與目標等等。 第三個部份:營養教練(Nutrition Coaching) 共有七章,涵蓋飲食評估、身體組成、標籤閱讀、飲食議題、飲食計畫、……等等 ISSA Nutrition Certification (2019) 第一個部份:運動營養(Nutrients And Athletic Performance) 共有十一個章節,包含了運動營養概論、食物與營養素、六大營養素、食品標籤閱讀等等。 第二個部份:生理構造與代謝需求(Anatomy and Metabolism Determine Nutrient Needs) 共有五章,包含身體組織、消化系統、身體組成、能量與代謝等等。 第三個部份:運動表現(Fine Tuning Your Performance) 共有五章,包含運動營養策略、增肌減脂、肝醣超補、運動表現等等。 註:ISSA 營養證照的架構與內容在 2021 年已改版,上述內容為 2019 版。 綜合比較: Precision Nutrition 是專攻營養的教育單位,教材上比較平易近人,Level 1 Certification 偏重教練養成的部份,注重方法論。官方也有提供滿多額外的營養資源可以使用,可以跟教材互補。另外課程的網頁系統設計得很先進。 ISSA 2019 的 Sports Nutrition Certification 在三個證照中是最偏重運動營養,比較有涉略到競賽的營養調整,但對於教練指導這方面則完全沒有;但在 2021 年改版成 Fitness Nutrition(證照名稱是 ISSA Nutritionist),內容架構完全不同,並且沒有競賽方面的內容,變成相對基礎的營養學,個人不推。 NASM 的 Certified Nutrition Coach 是原本 Fitness Nutrition Specialist 改進的,除了運動營養的部份,繼續增加了教練指導的內容。不過運動營養的部份偏向一般的增肌減脂。 整體來說 NASM 的課程比較全面。 以上是青山個人接觸比較多的,不過更頂級的應該是:
跟 NASM-CNC 同級的:
當然也有很多很好的課程可能是青山有所遺漏的,這邊主要以青山熟悉的幾個運動營養領域相關課程做介紹。 對於英文比較吃力的話,坊間也有一些課程大概 6 小時講幾個單元或是一本書,青山這邊也有規劃 20 小時的課程(2023/04/01-07/29): https://www.gazispace.com/sports-nutrition.html 下一版開班預計於 2025 年,有興趣可填寫表單,開放報名時會通知您。 https://www.gazispace.com/public/sports-nutrition-presale ■ 營養課程教材架構(原文)Precision Nutrition: The Essentials of Nutrition and Coaching (4th Edition)
UNIT 1: The Precision Nutrition approach 1. Introduction 2. Your learning plan 3. What is a great coach? 4. Helping people change 5. What is good nutrition? UNIT 2: The science of nutrition 6. Introduction to nutritional science 7. Systems and cells 8. Through the GI tract 9. Energy transformation and metabolism 10. Energy balance 11. Macronutrients 12. Micronutrients 13. Water and fluid balance 14. Stress, recovery, and sleep UNIT 3: Working through the PN coaching process 15. Coaching in practice 16. Working with Level 1 clients 17. Working with Level 2 clients 18. Working with Level 3 clients 19. Special scenarios 20. Business 101 NASM Certified Nutrition Coach Section 1: Nutritional Science 1. Introduction 2. Scope of Practice 3. Evidence-Based Nutrition and Practice 4. Food Preference and Influences 5. Energy Balance and Metabolism 6. Protein 7. Carbohydrates 8. Fats 9. Alcohol 10. Micronutrients 11. Hydration 12. Nutrient Timing 13. Supplements Section 2: Behavior Change Strategies 14. Psychology of Weight Control and Behavior Change 15. Coaching and Communication 16. Motivational Interviewing 17. Goal Setting Section 3: Nutrition Coaching 18. Dietary Assessment and Body Composition Testing 19. Food & Supplement Labels and Portion Sizes 20. Helping Clients Navigate the Real World 21. Navigating Diets 22. Nutrition Hot Topics and Controversies 23. Weight Loss Plateaus and Maintaining Weight Loss 24. Programming / Putting it All Together ISSA: Sports Nutrition (2019) PART ONE: Nutrients And Athletic Performance From A To Z 1. Sports Nutrition: The Vital Link to Supercharging Athletic Performance 2. Food, Ingredients, and Nutrients: An Overview 3. Carbohydrates: The Ultimate Performance Food 4. Protein and Amino Acids: Muscle Builders and More 5. Lipids and the Athlete: Energy and Growth Factors 6. Water and Oxygen 7. Vitamins 8. Minerals 9. Metabolites and Botanical Supplements 10. Guide to Food and Supplement Product Labeling 11. Label Claims for Conventional Foods and Dietary Supplements PART TWO: Anatomy and Metabolism Determine Nutrient Needs 12. Anatomy of an Athlete: Cells, Tissues, and Systems 13. Digestion and Absorption 14. Body Composition 15. Calorie Needs and Metabolism 16. Dietary Guidelines for Americans PART THREE: Fine Tuning Your Performance 17. Sports Nutrition Approach Concepts and Examples 18. Fat Loss and Muscle Gain for Athletes 19. Glycogen Loading (Super Compensation) 20. Special Concerns of Athletic Females 21. Putting It All Together: Athletic Performance Improvement Approach |
四月 2025
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