Infogazispace is a personal studio providing training and sports massage, also online education about training, programming & nutrition.
The training and education services are only in traditional Chinese now, but English is available for massage service. PriceSports Massage: NT$1,500 / session
A session is about 60-90 mins. (There are also special offers for packages, starting from NT$5,400 for 4 sessions.) Location1F., No. 55-1, Yining St., Datong Dist., Taipei City 103041, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
You can check the storefront photos here in case you lose direction. Vertical Divider
Schedule an Appointment1. Check available time below (indicated in green).
2. Make appointment by one of the following methods: - Send a message via Facebook page or Instagram. - Contact by email. - Fill out the appointment form. |