本文介紹我自己申請攝影週邊知名品牌 Peak Design 的保固流程,分享給需要相關幫助的朋友。 首先到他們官方網站的保固頁面: https://www.peakdesign.com/pages/warranty 底下有個紅色按鈕寫著「BEGIN WARRANTY CLAIM」,點擊後會進入到申請表單。 1. First off, what is your full name? * 第一個問題,請輸入你的全名。 2. And what is your email address? * 輸入你的電子郵件。 Don't worry, we won't share this email with anyone. This is just for customer service purposes. 別擔心,我們不會將您的郵件地址分享給任何人,這個僅供我們的顧客服務使用。 3. Please select from one of the following: * A. I am returning a good (non-defective) item B. My product is broken/defective, and I want a warranty replacement C. I am a Peak Design retailer processing a warranty replacement on behalf of a customer D. I am a Peak Design retailer batch processing multiple warranty replacements 請選擇您的需求,一般選 B(我的產品有缺陷或是已損壞,我想申請保固換新)。 4. What type of product are you inquiring about? * Note: for accessories and parts, please choose the parent category. 您申請保固的產品是? 注意:配件部份請選擇母類別。 這裡以我自己要申請的 Peak Design Everyday Backpack 20L v1 為例繼續下去。 5. Okay, tell us about your Everyday Line product. 好的,告訴我們您所購買的是 Everyday 產品線的哪個產品。 a. What type of Everyday Bag v1 do you have? * 您買的是哪一種 Everyday 一代包呢? b. What color and size is your Everyday Backpack v1? * 您購買的顏色和尺寸是? If you're not sure, open the top flap of your bag to determine its size. 如果不確定的話,打開背包上蓋可以確認尺寸。 6. Is your issue that the quick-adjuster on your strap keeps slipping or lengthening on it's own? (這邊預設了常見的問題狀況:)您的問題是否是快速調節背帶容易鬆脫呢? 7. Where was the product originally purchased? * 您原先在哪購買的呢? If you choose "Other" you must manually enter a retailer name. 如果您選擇「其他」,您必須手動輸入購買店家的名稱。 (從台灣的通路購買應該都不在上面,直接選其他。) 8. Please enter the name of the retailer you purchased the product from. * 請輸入您購入的店家名稱。 (我從 momo 買的,我是輸入 momoshop (Taiwan)。) 9. What was your original order number? * 您當時的訂單號碼? 10. What was the date of your purchase * 您的購買日期? If you do not know the exact date, please submit an approximate date. 如果不知道確切日期的話,請輸入大概的日期。 11. Please upload proof of purchase * 請上傳您的購買證明。 Please upload a copy of your confirmation email or receipt of purchase. 請上傳購買確認信或是購買收據。 If you are providing proof of purchase for an online order, please be sure that it includes your full name, email and shipping address & product details. 如果上傳的是線上訂單的購買證明,請確認包含您的全名、電子郵件、收件地址與購物明細。 12. What is the QC / Serial Number on your product? * 請輸入您的產品序號。 Here's how you find your QC Code: https://support.peakdesign.com/hc/en-us/articles/115004982006-Finding-Your-Serial-Number-or-QC-Number 您可以在這個網址找到您的產品序號怎麼查看。 13. What best describes the issue you're having with your product? * 您的產品發生了什麼問題? A. 寄過來損壞
B. 寄來有瑕疵、變形、或缺件 C. 使用痕跡 D. 破損斷裂 E. 配件遺失 F. 產品活了過來並且嚇到我的狗 G. 其他 14. Please briefly describe the issue in your own words. * 請簡短敘述您碰到的問題。 15. Please upload a picture or video of the issue. * 請上傳這個狀況的照片或影片。 Pictures greatly speed up the warranty return/exchange process because they often allow us to diagnose the issue instantly. Your picture doesn't have to be fancy...it can be taken with your phone. If you have multiple pictures, please put them into a zip file (max 10MB) and upload that. 如果很多檔案的話,請打包成檔案大小小於 10MB 的 ZIP 壓縮檔。 In the event we need to send you a replacement, lets gather your shipping address. 如果要寄送替換品給您,請提供您的收件地址。 16. Just to confirm, your shipping name is: __________ Is that correct? * 確認一下,您的收件人名稱是 __________(前面輸入的名字),對嗎? 17. Great, what is the Address Line 1? * 很好,那收件地址第一行是? (這邊輸入不包含縣市的地址,以台北市為例的話就是OO區OO路O號O樓。) 18. Enter Address Line 2 if you need it, otherwise leave it blank. 請輸入地址的第二行,沒有的話請留空。 19. What is the city? * 請輸入縣市。 20. State/province? * 州或省? (輸入「Taiwan」就好。) 21. Postal Code? 郵遞區號? (這邊推薦使用郵遞區號速查,可以用完整地址來查,比郵局的好用。) 22. Country? * 國家? (輸入「Taiwan」。) 23. Phone Number? * 電話號碼? 24. Is there anything else you'd like to add? If not, just leave this blank. 有任何想補充的嗎?沒有的話請留空。 |
十二月 2024