花了四個小時把 Lars von Trier 的這部大作看完,
上下集共八個章節,秉持著導演一貫的特色給人深刻絕望的淪陷。 雖然看不大懂卻覺得好看 (?) 的有趣作品, 該歸功於導演清楚的節奏和時不時的黑色幽默。 從女性的角度探討性成癮與性的物化, 個人覺得比 Michael Fassbender 演出的《Shame 性愛成癮的男人》來得好看一點。 -------------------- We were committed to combat the love-fixated society. 我們發誓要反抗這推崇愛情的社會。 The secret ingredient to sex... is love. 性的最佳佐料是愛情。 Love appeals to the lowest instincts, wrapped up in lies. How do you say yes when you mean no and vice versa? 愛是人類底層的本能,包裹在層層的謊言之中,一切不過口是心非。 You can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs. 捨不得孩子套不著狼。 For me, nymphomania was callousness. 性欲成癮就是麻木不仁。 Each time a word becomes prohibited, you remove a stone from the Democratic foundation. Society demonstrates its impotence in the face of a concrete problem by removing words from the language. 禁止言論無異於動搖民主的基石,封住人民的口來面對問題充分顯示了社會的無能。 And I say that society is as cowardly as the people in it, who in my opinion are also too stupid for democracy. 社會和人民一樣懦弱,而人民太蠢根本不配獲得民主。 We elevate those who say "Right" but mean "Wrong" and mock those who say "Wrong" but mean "Right." 我們推崇陽奉陰違的人,卻嘲笑忠言逆耳的人。 |
十一月 2024