When you decide you're going to step into extraordinary, you're going to have to let some things go.
Sometimes you need an earth angel, y'all, to snatch you out of your own limiting beliefs.
Sometimes your future can't fit in because you're too full of your past. 如果你死死抓住舊的情節,那麼新的故事就無法誕生。 A new story can't be born because you're holding onto the old story. Yes, yes? 平庸是非常非常容易的,走出去什麼都不做,你就是平庸的,而平庸的人太多了。 Ordinary is very, very easy to do. Just go out here and do nothing and you're ordinary, and it's crowded. 平庸的人早就人滿為患。活著,呼吸,埋頭苦幹,沒有熱情,你就是平庸的。 It's crowded. Just live. Just breathe. Just do it. Just chill. You ordinary. 但是當你在平庸之中加入一點額外的東西,你就變得不凡。 But the moment you put some extra on your ordinary, now you got extraordinary. 當你看見不同的自己,當你看見你將成為的自己, 那些曾經有過的疑惑、尋求的認可-- 「我的特別是否好看?我能不能改變這個世界?」, And when you can see that little version of you, that girl who's still looking for validation, "Am I beautiful in my uniqueness? Can I change the world?" and when you look eye-to-eye with an example of who you're becoming, 突然之間,你不再追求他人的許可了。 all of a sudden you stop asking the world for permission. 你不再懷疑--「我是否適合這個劇本?」 You stop wondering, "Do I fit in this story?" 你明白你是故事的主人, And you realise that you're the author of the story. 你是怎樣的一個人、你的不凡,正等著破繭而出。 Who you are, your extraordinary, is waiting to be born through you. |
八月 2024